NOVEMBER 26, 2024
after seeing blog-making stuff like Zonelets and platforms like Bear Blog, i had the realization that I kinda know how HTML works,
at least enough to write some stuff and put my thoughts on a screen for people to read. "hey wait, i can do that"
and that leads us here, with you reading my words. i broke up with my bf of three years yesterday. went pretty amicably but i still feel weird.
i turn 29 near the end of next month, maybe i'll feel less weird by then. i guess dudes rock sometimes but i don't think i like guys that much.
oh, but i didn't make this blog specifically to say that, i just don't really have much else to say for a first post, i don't want to leave the page blank,
and that's something big going on in my life that i'm going to be thinking about for a while. why not put it out there, right?
isn't that what this is supposed to be for?
anyway. not sure what else i'm gonna wind up writing about in the future but expect it to be a lot more candid and wordy and direct than the things i post on social media.
a friend told me that when she first met me that she thought i was "mysterious" because of my online presence, which kind of baffled me at first until she explained that
i just didn't really say that much. that's true but it's not because i don't have things to say. there's always a lot going on in my head, i just don't like yelling it to the world.
is being guarded like that the same as being inauthentic? i'm still very much an open book most of the time so i really hope not.
regardless, look forward to other musings and ramblings like this