This page contains an assortment of things that
I find useful, interesting, or just plain fun.
My contact info and various socials are here too.
Use the navigation links below to jump to a section
so that you can simply press back to return here.

The main reason I wanted to make a page like this
is because I see a lot of artistic types that are
absurdly reluctant to share their "secret sauce."
Frankly, I think that's both scummy and stupid.
While not quite gatekeeping, they're withhholding
info that could really help out people new to this,
perpetuating an unhelpful elitist sort-of mentality
that's upsettingly widespread both online and IRL.
It's also a huge self-burn to imply that your tools
are the only thing that really set your work apart.
The link library is my own small way of giving back,
of trying to bring a greater focus on openness and
mutual growth back into the creative mainstream.
If you appreciated this page, want to say hello,
and/or know something that might make a good entry,
contact me!
Can't promise I'll add anything, though.
You can also
if you want to show support by buying me a drink or something, but only if
you can afford to. Please take care of yourself.
by Dreya D. / Dexadrinn
An ever-growing multi-format audio mess,
comprised of many sorts of samples and
presets made by me or collected from an
unknown large amount of other sources.
Follow or check in on
my Twitter
for announcements of new additions + updates.
This is basically a pared-down version of the custom samples folder
that I have been growing for I don't even know how many years; I'd say
since I was 12 (13 years ago since I'm 25 as of writing this!) but I've
lost the vast majority of my first creations, so I honestly don't know.
Unfortunately, I have no clue whatsoever where some of these are taken from.
I admit that this is at least in part due to my own disorganized tendencies.
Some are from YouTube videos, Twitter clips, Twitch streams, and many others.
If a sound was created by someone else, I have tried to credit them in
some regard, usually leaving their name or the song it's taken from
in the file name of the sample, such as I did with handful of guitar
parts from my friend Weston Malone aka humble dot, the snare drums from
Vubobinali and phritz, or even giving them their own folder as with the
numerous sounds sent to me by my elusive friend, Discord user 128#2355.


possibly the most important free synth ever,
Ichiro Toda's take on the Clavia Nord Lead 2

fantastic wavetable synth with audio-rate modulation
free version is barely different than the paid one;
it only limits use of the text-to-wavetable feature
and leaves out some of the presets and wavetables
this one is a must-have, please support Matt Tytel
makes some cool tips

DISTRHO Cardinal
modular synthesizer and eurorack simulator with loads of modules,
including those by the wonderful Aria Salvatrice

Exakt Lite
4-operator FM synth with an intuitive interface
alternatively, Oxe FM has 6 operators but a smaller
more "classic" interface. i prefer both over Dexed
b/c that only has sine wave operators to work with i opt for other VSTs over this but it's still good if you don't have access to and/or don't care for
Em Essex's real animal,
Native Instruments' FM8,
Image-Line's Sytrus, or
Ableton's Operator

Magical 8bit Plug
quick 'n' easy authentic NES/Famicom sound maker
and the second plugin i ever downloaded (i think)
gotta love that sharp stairstepped triangle wave

fantastic emulation of SNES/SFC sample playback that allows
for importing of your own sounds or instruments directly
from your favorite games by means of an .spc file

Sega Genesis/Mega Drive emulation FM synth that can import
a variety of instrument formats from your favorite games.
made by Landon Podbielski aka superjoebob,
the creator of Duck Game, who made this plugin for its soundtrack
beware, use 44.1kHz sample rate to avoid detune!

Halley Labs aka Em Essex's
VST Plugins
the Comet's Tail Toybox is a wonderful assortment of quirky and character-filled plugins with synths for
retro and circuitbent chippy sounds, custom 808 cowbells (phonk lovers rejoice), physical modeling, hoovers,
hardcore and psytrance kicks, rave stabs, acid, harsh noise, faux-"analog" FM/PM, and more!

Flowstoners Quilcom VSTs
amazingly fun, diverse, and unusual array of plugins.
vector synthesis, wave concatenators, additive, FM, granular, phase distortion, physical modeling, oh my! made with
Flowstone by
Rex Basterfield aka Spogg,
who has been making electronic instruments and fx since the 60s!

Xoxos VSTs
some seriously unique albeit sometimes esoteric plugins,
give me a similar vibe to Quilcom. there's synths that
aim to emulate the vocal tracts of animals!
i quite like pling4, their karplus-strong string synth.
don't use the fake "xoxos.net" and only download from plugins4free

AquesTone 2
a Miku-alike vocal synth using the Japanese phoneme set

used to cost money, now free and open source!
3 oscillators per scene with various synth engines

Full Bucket Music
lots of classic instrument and effect emulations, as well as some more original offerings. i like their
Korg VC-10 vocoder,
Korg Mini Pops-7, and
Korg MonoPoly emulations

OsTIrus Virus TI Emulator
an emulation of the Access Virus TI
that utilizes the official firmware provided for legal hardware owners.
getting it all working may initially seem daunting but this SETUP TUTORIAL makes it quite straightforward

V4 is a tiny synth with an atypical iFFT-based generator
V3 uses a spline-based oscillator because that version was made
with less of a size constraint, making it debatable which
version is the more powerful one. why not try both?
read about this synth's demoscene origins here

Oscilloscope Music VSTs
Jerobeam Fenderson's
plugins for making music that draws fun lissajous figures on an oscilloscope

Kontakt Player
free sampler instrument player by
Native Instruments
for libraries like these

H.G. Fortune's Synth Trove
wide variety of VST2 synths - ARCHIVE LINK in case the neocities page breaks or something

Camel Audio
a company acquired by Apple
that you probably know for CamelCrusher, a freeware version of their distortion, CamelPhat. they also made a neat rhythmic multi-effect, CamelSpace.
none of their stuff is available to purchase anymore, but their Alchemy synth was integrated into Logic, so i've left that one out just to be a lil safer

fast Fourier transform (FFT)
multi-effect by Darrel Tam that's capable of some seriously cool spectral stuff;
think Unfiltered Audio's SpecOps
if it were from 2006 and sacrificed the whole modular aspect -
big ups to Dozius aka cisc
for the 64-bit versions!

Valhalla DSP
- Supermassive - reverb/delay capable of HUGE spaces
- SpaceModulator - neat flanger doubler sorta thing
- FreqEcho - the psychedelic combo of a Bode-style frequency shifter inside a delay,
like a free Echobode but different and with less features

dblue Glitch 1.3
iconic multi-effect sequencer by Illformed aka dblue
one of the very first vst plugins i ever downloaded
old (but free!) version of what has become Glitch 2
clearly the inspiration for Sugar Bytes' Effectrix

lots of cool effects with no GUI, not that they need one
plenty to explore but i suggest at least checking out his
Iron Oxide tape sim,
BassKit bass enhancer,
and some of the various
reverbs, but i implore you to try more

classic multiband distortion with a wide array of different distortion models
needs an account to download tho

GFM Psypan
interaural time difference (ITD)
binaural panner clean and simple-to-use stereo imaging tool

wild head-related transfer function (HRTF)
binaural spatialization engine panner thing that lets you move your audio around in "3D"

UnplugRed's VST Trove
lots of fun stuff; the one that jumps out to me most is Prisma, a 4-band distortion with 21(!) different modules avaiable per band.
go follow Melody,
explore through her cool website (or else), and
support her other projects

Misstortion 2
lovely emulation of Logic's Clip Distortion, which is/was the go-to for hardstyle kicks
still updated as of 2022; go follow
and support her other projects

512 bands of linear phase delay for transformative changes to the character of sounds. think wet and zappy allpass filter-y sorta things like
Disperser by
jDisperser by
Jasper Marsalis, and
Diopser by
Robbert van der Helm.
Nasko is also making lots of
other cool stuff

Ewan Bristow's plugdata Patches

i really like SPAN, a customizable spectrum analyzer and stereo
correlation meter that can display true peak,
EBU R128
(so LU and LUFS),
and K-system loudness metering
don't even bother with other free loudness meters b/c this one's really just that good. some other cool freeware too, not to mention a great handful of paid VSTs

Chow DSP
ChowTapeModel - a detailed emulation of the Sony TC-260 that has been extended to cover a variety of different tape machines with multiple hysterisis modes
ChowMatrix - infinitely depthy delay w/ modulation, feedback, pitch-shifting, diffusion, and distortion, capable of multi-tap madness and regal reverberance
ChowCentaur - traditional emulation and neural net model of the highly-revered
Klon Centaur guitar pedal
ChowPhaser - based on the
Schulte Compact Phasing 'A'
Chow VCV - variety of modules for
VCV Rack

Captain Credible
creator of carefree audio smashifying plugins.
9th Gate Xtal brings a big stupid smile to my face

White Elephant Audio
Jack is cool and has great plugins for multiband stereo imaging, multi-stage distortion, vowel filters, and more

a great free autotune plugin that can mix
two independently formant- and/or pitch-shifted outputs

Flowstoners Quilcom VSTs
amazingly fun, diverse, and unusual array of plugins.
stereo imaging, vocoders, delay cascades, unison choirs, transient shapers, comb filter resonators, and much more! made with
Flowstone by
Rex Basterfield aka Spogg,
who has been making electronic instruments and fx since the 60s!

Destroy FX
cool fx like the wave-warping Geometer, the record-scratching Scrubby, and more

Anarchy Effects
weirdness like Spectral Autopan and
the Shepard-tone-esque Corkscrew

multimode waveshaping distortion

DarkWare VSTs
bonkers synthedit plugins + source files

popular sound super-stretcher as a plugin

TDR Nova
great free plugin capable of both regular parametric EQ and dynamic EQ, meaning you can use this for
multiband and/or frequency-specific compression if you want

BlueLab Audio
full suite of plugins, including some cool
head-related transfer function (HRTF)
spatialization and spectral processing stuff, from a one-person company that made everything free when they went out of business

Signalizer by Janus Thorborg
all-in-one vizualizer with beautiful 3D powered by OpenGL

weird granular delay sorta thing. make sure to use the download links further down the page because the version on github doesn't appear to be the most recent revision (which is 2.0.6 as of writing this)

Togu Audio Line
home of yet more of my first free instruments and fx VSTs
TAL-Dub is a good delay;
i find myself more apt to use v3 but i have a friend who swears by v2, so maybe try both
is also pretty good for retro vocoder sounds

free EQ by rs_met capable of extremely steep filtering

iZotope Freebies

Live Enhancement Suite (LES)
huge upgrades for Ableton Live, especially if you don't have 11

Mutated Texturizer
two M4L devices based off the
Clouds eurorack module by Mutable Instruments
and its alternate Parasite firmware

lossy codec compression artifact effect along the lines of
Lossy by Goodhertz or
BitJuggler by Toneboosters;
it makes stuff sound like a really crusty mp3 or your favorite lyric video or
AMV from way back in the day
first shared in this tweet by
daywaiter aka Dakota Mar
throw them some cash for this if you can afford to

Crank Sinatra's Break Maker
Ableton rack for automatic random chopping of breaks

Ableton Soundgoodizer
some of FL's iconic Maximus presets recreated for Ableton.
A and B use only stock effects, C uses Fabfilter Pro-MB

Dada Life VST Ableton Racks
iconic very-way-more-loud-inator and buildup enhancer recreated for Ableton.
the Endless Smile rack is by Joshua Casper
and i think the Sausage Fattener one is from Cymatics but i honestly am not sure

Borrasca Sidechainer
a very feature-rich sidechain ducking sorta device like Chain Shaper or LFOTool or
Gatekeeper or
VolumeShaper or
Kickstart except in max for live and FREE -

FX Racks by (un)familiar.
lots of fun and unique fx racks, backup link has the complete set as of the time of writing this (09-30-23) all collected into a single .zip -

Astro's aka Elysian Tunes' Ableton Instruments
fun and useful Ableton racks. use the page buttons on the left to navigate. there's a dub siren,
big distorted kick maker, eurobeat lead, percussion generators, and more

Sevish's Microtuner M4L Devices

Oscilloscope Music M4L
Jerobeam Fenderson's
M4L tools for making music that draws fun lissajous figures on an oscilloscope

very clean and official-looking M4L devices. some cost $ but others like
a semi-random arpeggiator-like thing for generative music and improvisation, are free. there's also a few with lite versions, such as the
Survey multi-mappable modulator and
Gradient preset interpolator

DOOM Compressor
an attempt by GeoffPlaysGuitar to
recreate Mick Gordon's custom DOOM Compressor
preset for FL Patcher within Live

EQ Abuser
oh my god. it's so gloriously dumb.
takes a bit to open b/c it loads a macro-mapped random LFO for every parameter PER BAND (that's 4 LFOs for each band, 32 LFOs in total!)
obviously, this chews your cpu like mutha. made by moon

Fruity Dance by sober bear and factal
classic bpm-synced hype gal now in Ableton Live -

Strip Silence for Ableton Live by pohyart
this one's not really max for live but it's an ableton-related utility so i'm putting it here; this generates an Ableton Live project without silence from stems

maker of some really great devices. their paid offerings are easily their best,
and very fairly priced as well imo. some of them even have feature-reduced lite versions
- ClipGain
- change audio clip gain, transposition, warping, and more, directly from the timeline
- BiP
- bounce-in-place, quick and intuitive resampling. WARNING: the lite version has a bug
that immediately triggers recording of a resample upon opening a session containing it.
it still works great if you just want to demo it, just don't save and load a session with it unless
you wanna be jumpscared by your own track. the full version works great though
- Panarchy
- go beyond your typical level-based panning with four additional panning methods. think of this one as a suped-up
GFM Psypan or
Goodhertz Panpot
- DocPhase -
a reproduction of DrMS by Mathew Lane,
an amazing plugin for spatialization, stereo widening, upmixing, and mid-side, etc at a tenth of the cost
there are also a handful of free devices such as:
- BadHaas - multiband stereo widener. sums to mono well.
highly comparable to AS Width by Sabroi, which is linked in the entry directly below this one
- Outist/Inist - solution for busses anywhere
- BlastHard - transparent hard clipper

AS Console
allows you to mix using the styles of multiple consoles and preamps. it costs $30, but its great transparent multiband stereo width module,
AS Width,
is available separately as a free download for those who enter their e-mail. sums to mono perfectly so it's better than the regular ol' Haas effect trick imo

really high quality devices; there's a few
synthesizers, a
"blurred" delay, and a
sequencer sadly none of them are free but i'd rather they be near other M4L devices than in the paid section

Noir Labs
not free but great stuff
- Chain Shaper - amazing audio-triggered sidechain ducking utilty
with multiband capability. affords the tightness and control of midi-triggered sidechain without any of the dummy tracks or extra midi routing
- Carver - simple but powerful level-preserving transient shaper
with adjustable detection & more
- Volume Buddy
- LUFS auto-gain level matching device designed to counter volume bias, train your ears, and help speed up your mixing

Akaizer v2.3
a freeware timestretching tool that's based on a reverse-engineered algorithm from old AKAI samplers -

fast & easy sfx generator with parameter locking so you can randomize only the things you want to -

like sfxia but different in that it runs both online and standalone and is more strongly based on a tool from 2007
called sfxr
which you've probably heard in an indie or flash game without even knowing -

open-source harmonic mixing tool to make DJing easier
not maintained on Windows (even if it says there's an update)
but still a good alternative to Mixed In Key

Oscilloscope by Hansi Raber
software emulation of old ray-based oscilloscopes
great for getting a new look at your sounds or if you want to try some
Jerobeam Fenderson
type stuff without buying an expensive piece of hardware first

Speakonia v1.3.5
charmingly goofy text-to-speech. not in development any more. registration info is as follows:
- Name: Unlimited License
- E-Mail: none@needed.com
- Registration Code: SPK-174101-172083

a strange but fun little program for making
audio and visuals with small amounts of code,
so a bytebeat demoscene virtual machine

Paul's Extreme Sound Stretch
iconic sound super-stretcher, also known as Paulstretch
way more parameters than Audacity's built-in version

Sevish's Microtuning Resources
various ways to explore alternative tunings, including M4L instruments, tuning files, and more

Winamp Community Update Project
WACUP is a revision of a beloved classic media player that many know for its amazing visualizers,
and MilkDrop.
kept up-to-date by Dr. O,
one of the original developers. especially good for people who livestream since it can
output info about currently playing music to a text file and its album art to an image file for easy access in
OBS or whatever other streaming software you use

lightweight free and open source
(FOSS) alternative to the official
Soulseek client

Cobalt Tools
ez streaming audio grabber

wavetable maker with lots of interesting functions,
create your own or browse what others have made
submitted for the link library by the homie Roughy

Suricrasia Online Opus Databending Drum Machine
make drum loops with percussive samples procedurally generated from opus codec glitches
first shared by Blackle Mori on its twitter
and mastodon

Greggman HTML5 Bytebeat Maker
bytebeat is music made from very small amounts of code/math.
read more about bytebeat here

Wurstcaptures Bytebeat Maker
similar to the other html5 one above but i tried this one first so it feels right to include it

synth preset exchange platform and community, tons of patches for all your favorite plugins with quick and easy audio previews for each of them

United Pro Audio Web Groups
an incredibly helpful log containing information about the latest releases by your favorite groups
good for checking release legitimacy or if updates are out

CyberYoukai's Sample Archive
AMAZING collection of classic 90s sample CDs and newer packs. there's SO MUCH awesome stuff in here that you've likely heard
used in some form or another in your favorite music and games of years past. i suggest checking out the stuff from
Breakbeat Paradise, and the couple breaks- and jungle-centric packs

Jungle Jungle from Blu Mar Ten
blu mar ten says "these are not some secret special sounds only available to 'jungle legends'" but they sure are some classic drums, basses, stabs, loops, vox, fx, etc

All The Breaks Vol. 1, 2, & 3
300 essential classic drum breaks

WangleLine's Sample Packs
hi-tech/scifi noises & designed sounds,
computer case destruction metal impacts and scrapes,
a plastic pressure sprayer,
as well as stems and MIDIs from her released music.
she also contributed a few other awesome free link library entries and even informed me of some busted links, which would've gone unfixed for who knows how long!
please go check out all of her
and other work!!!

Aquellex's Goodies Page
wasn't sure which category to this in since it's sort of a catch-all like this one;
links to great packs that came with classic samplers, stuff you can no longer buy,
samples from games, chiptune and LSDj stuff, and more

Halley Labs aka Em Essex's
Sample Page
amazing resource for unique sample packs and
stems from years-worth of their own discography

Mew's aka Catherine's
Sample Page
drums, synths, Synth1 patches,
stems for her music, and more

Astro's aka Elysian Tunes' Sample Page
their main sample page has electromagnetic fields, synthesized snares, gabba kicks, eurorack sounds, ROM corruption audio, and more.
they also have a page for video game samples that they've extracted

HeavyViper's sonitus ludere
assorted sounds of video game consoles and controllers. hits, squeaks, groans, clacks - just over 300 files!
first shared on their twitter

Kathy Kurbstomp's Sample Pack
her formerly-paid sample packs and also some other stuff

Tracey Brakes' Drumkits
ten great packs as of 03-12-24, with more to be added! includes the first entry of her
sample pack series. first shared on her twitter.
i've compressed all ten, a bit over 1gb unzipped, at this

Maudify's Sample Packs
two free
packs and some
stems available as of writing this,
shared on her twitter

Risk Emulator's Fun Stuff 1.5
2.15gb pack of fun samples :)
first shared on their twitter

jk's Kits
the first
and second kits
shared by Jackson on his twitter

plusol's Free Packs
a couple free sample packs as of writing this, their most recent being some percussion they made in serum,
which were both shared on their twitter

Vesoir's Free Packs
The Interloper Pack and the
Abandoned Data Pack
were both shared on their twitter

Lil Kevo 303 Sample Library
includes most samples from their previous libraries which you can find

65finally's Sample Packs
a couple free
packs and some
Vital presets as of writing this,
shared on her twitter

echosoul's Samples
cool packs of amiga samples, pc98 bambootracker instruments, and some cooked breaks

sc.Dave!'s Kicks'n'Bits
over 1,500 raw analog kicks, weird blips and other "percussion" sounds w/ no fx processing. shared on
their twitter and also available on

Saphicord Samples
Vol. 1 and
Vol. 2
of samples by saphi
and her discord server

trndytrndy's Drum Kit
shared on their twitter

Goreshit's Sample Packs
" ted got himself a sherman filterbank today and recorded some horrible kicks to his mpc. help yourself to his 'sherman day one gabber kicks' "

Heimanu's Sample Pack
shared on their twitter

Murder Club's Jersey Chops Pack
shared on their twitter

archived page with loads of free sounds

Kingdom Hearts Sparkles Pack
EVERY sparkle sound from EVERY game (as of September 2020),
680 in total! compiled by Emma aka EXSANGUIA -

cactus flower's Free Packs
gardening essentials and
sample pack 2
were both shared on their twitter

In Love With A Ghost's bleeps & bloops
a free pack they posted on their twitter

Devi's Trash Soundfonts
a smattering of soundfonts compiled by Devi McCallion
of Black Dresses and shared on
her Twitter along with some
other stuff she likes to use

schoolbook_depository Sample Pack
work-in-progress pack of approx 120 break chop snippetz as of writing this.
shared on her twitter

Sounds Resource
tons of vidya game noises

Ed, Edd, and Eddy Sound Effects

Dragon Ball Z Sound Effects
lots of good lasers and pews n punches

Breakbeat Paradise
breakz, bass, synth, and more

HUGE archive of tapes

SampleRadar's Free Stuff
big bunches of free

ABL is the best virtual Roland TB-303 i've ever used

Sonic Charge
home of the first VSTs i ever paid for.
they're all amazing and low CPU.
Microtonic even has a physical companion in the form of
Teenage Engineering's PO-32
also, here's an old mod for Synplant from 2009 called
made by Johan Brodd aka JoBroMedia

modern takes on retro synths, game consoles like the SNES and Genesis, other audio hardware, and speech synthesis
their emulation efforts are seriously on another level

Harmor and Vocodex are astounding, even Sytrus still holds its ground as one of the better FM synths despite its age
other DAWs' stock tools WISH they were as good as FL's. i would love to tell you about the older VST versions of some
of these plugins so you can load them in any DAW you want, please
reach out to me if this interests you

once you get a feel for the UI, Melodyne is IRL wizard magic when it comes to pitch correction / tuning

Razor by Errorsmith
fantastic additive synth designed to have a subtractive
synth layout ala Harmor but very much its own beast.
highly suggest Au5's unlimited partials hack
for dramatically improved oscillator resolution

Devious Machines
Infiltrator 2
might be my fav sequencable multi fx plugin rn. wide array of options incl. time-based fx, spectral stuff, cool distortions, and multiple types of compression incl. multiband.
also a big fan of Texture,
an envelope following way to add noise or any other layer to a sound, kinda like Ableton Live's
Erosion if it could use samples

2C Audio
Aether is a top-tier algorithmic reverb

GHOST by Exacoustics
amazingly powerful modern FM synth - wavetable engine with unison + warp modes + filter incl. fun ones like combs & phasers & allpass + distortions from clipping to bitcrush n wavefolders,
separate instances of these for EACH of the 6 operators, AND a big multi fx system like Vital if it allowed for duplicate fx

AAS Chromaphone
super good physical modeling synthesizer from the company that brought you the physical modeling within Ableton Live

Imagiro's Piano
just $20 for a great felted piano i helped beta test
please go support this amazing indie dev and musician
The Drop
has a ton of great filters, some modeled after classics like the MS20 rev 1 and 2, OSCar, JP8, Juno 6, SH2, SH101, Prodigy, and the ever-chaotic
EDP Wasp,
as well as custom designs like one halfway between Sallen-Key and SVF, and another inspired by the ARP Odyssey mk1.
Ableton's glue compressor is a licensed version of
The Glue, a take on the SSL bus compressor

Valhalla DSP
really good reverbs, delays, and more

Sound Guru
The Mangle is pretty hard to beat for granular synthesis

easy-to-control acoustic feedback simulator the single best thing Blue Cat makes imo

Mathew Lane's DrMS
absolutely amazing plugin for spatialization, stereo widening, and mid-side stuff. here's a
demo video

KClip and True Dynamics are both great, and though i've not used it, i've heard kind words about True Iron as well

Xfer Records
i know it's everywhere but Serum is too good to leave out, i use LFO Tool sometimes too

Phase Plant and Multipass are great, at least if you have all the snap-ins

i like Vulf Compressor, a take on the compression
of the Boss SP-303 Dr. Sample's "Vinyl Sim" effect

XLN Audio
i like them for Addictive Drums and Addictive Keys
but RC-20 is also a pretty handy multi-effect

great bread and butter tools. i really like their EQ, compressor, limiter, and distortion

morph is wild; think vocoder-like combining of signals, but without the individual frequency bands

most probably know them for their mixing tools like Ozone but i come back to
VocalSynth and
Trash more often

Glitch 2
iconic grid-based multi-effect by Illformed aka dblue
clearly the inspiration for Sugar Bytes' Effectrix

Pulsar Audio
really nice compressors that mimic iconic hardware

have you ever wanted to make your own virtual instruments or effects, tools that anyone could load regardless of
their DAW? you can without needing to learn how to code! instead, patch together your dream VST using a powerful
modular environment along the lines of Reaktor or VCV Rack demo never expires so try it out for as long as you want!
if you make anything with it, please show me! :)

Adobe Alternatives
things to use instead of subscription-based nonsense. big thanks to

very well-made browser utilities for generating patterns and
gradients, but my favorite is their
dithering tool

custom 2D png vtubers while maintaining simplicity and approachability for beginners

JS KidPix
browser version of Kidpix 1.0

generative art synth great for all sorts of neat visuals, easy enough for anyone to use if you're willing to explore
the free version has a watermark and limited framerate
made by Jess Hewitt
and Alex Ayars

a risograph wiki for artists, designers, and printers

Electric Zine Maker
fun and charming tool for easily making zines
go follow Nathalie

Shake Art
draw with lines and make them go all wibbly
go follow nokoi

Real Microns
brushes mimicing real micron pens by
Halftone Hospital

Dither Machine
tool for quickly generating dithered gradients

aP's Dither Brushes
photoshop brushes of common dithering patterns

Maple's Browser Game Boy Camera
web version of the famously horrid Game Boy Camera

Color Blender
blend between two hex colors, allows 1-10 midpoints

CursorMania Full Archive
every cursor from CursorMania, compiled by rgbmew

Ultimate Oldschool PC Font Pack
amazing collection of old fonts first released in 2016, it has since been updated to v2.1 in late october 2020

ProTracker Font
short, fat 8x8 (actually only 5px high) pixel font from a certain music tracker made for Amiga

Codeface Fonts
font pack intending to beautify your code

Somepx's Fonts
great free pixel fonts

Froyo Tam Fonts
Ferrite Core
and Blotter
are rad Y2K-inspired fonts Froyo Tam
also has another cool font, Ultra Hi-Gloss,
but it's $40 as of writing this

ethan ppt's Fonts
great free creative fonts shared on their twitter

Fuku Catch
cool modern typeface by Detetiive

Atlas Font
neat cartoony font by ezra

MGS2 Menu Font
sleek futuristic font from Metal Gear Solid 2

rounded geometric sans serif inspired by art school

Void's Fonts
good free pixel fonts

Official Mario Fonts
a couple fonts ripped straight from games

simple tool to configure Windows Filtering Platform (WFP) which can configure network activity on your computer

best screenshot util around with other features like color eyedropper and gif record

disk space analyzer to find the files and folders using the most space on your hard drive fast af

voidtools' "Everything"
locate files and folders by name BLAZING fast
thanks to WangleLine for showing me!

torrent client of choice

options, display options, OpenGL options, texture options, then set texture filtering mode to none (linear mipmap)
- Classic WADs - the original games
- Mod Loader - OPTIONAL. to help organize stuff.

Lain PSX
the playstation game, now in your browser let's all love lain

slice up slimes to survive! show me your highscore :)
as a kid in 2008, the era of a 16gb sandisk cruzer being a flex,
my friend scotty and i helped circulate this and many other games and emulators among the students
to evade site blockers and goof around during computer lab lol

free online tetris with lots of great modes and options.
JSTris is another that may be worth checking out, though it's way more oldskool

def one of the best free cross-platform fps games out right now.
satisfying movement and gunplay in maps so destructible that your strategic options are vast.
really keeps you on your toes, makes you use your brain, and keeps the game exciting match after match.
all the "cash out" modes are my favorite. multiple teams of 3 players all compete over a small carryable cash box
with the goal of bringing it to a larger deposit box. hold the point until the cash out timer ends to score, but
beware, during that timer the opposing teams can steal the point from you, and it DOESN'T reset the timer!
lots of opportunity for cheeky plays and crazy comebacks.
because of the small team size, the game is way better
with a friend or two. game pace and level progression are slow but there's really something great here if you give it a chance.
check out this montage/frag movie
put together by some friends :)

lil flash aim trainer game by Danny Miller aka K2xL Games

Bowman 2
click and drag to draw and aim. defeat your oppononent.
great 2P fun, i even got my dad to play this with me a handful of times after school

Ultraviolent Post-9/11 Flash Games
article about some of the unhinged stuff ppl were making with flash when i was a kid, written by Abby Denton

a friend of many years and beyond being chill and nice and good at art she also lowkey saved my life but its nbd.
never fails to make me laugh. understander of the inscrutable bit. bazooskies? love you cat

so fucking beast sound maker and software maker and picture drawer and squid squiffer and sweet kiki and worlds biggest million dollars, love you rika

motion graphics and computers and 3d and audio genius

worlds first irl cartoon blonde woman. nerd destroyer sweetheart. love you sheena

chill af and nice and you should go look at his drawings rn bc they are good as hell

so fun and easy to talk with and insanely amazing art and also streams now sometimes plz go look at all of her work

big chiller awesome music super skilled tracker homie plz give all of your money

cute oomfie with amazing art you should go look at her drawings of demon ladies !R-18!

sixgills so skilled and swag plz go look at all of his art

generator raver govlink worldwide takeover imminent

go look at oomfies drawings of furry ladies !R-18!

amazing art, super sick website

amazing art, swag site with helpful resources





